GoTek Radon Acquires Canada Radon.

Effective May 2, 2022, 2851733 Ontario Inc. which operates as GoTek Radon and Goemans Fireplaces has acquired Canada Radon. Both GoTek Radon and Canada Radon will now operate as one company under the name Canada Radon.

Canada Radon, based out of Stoney Creek, Ontario, provides radon mitigation, consultation, design, and inspection services for residential and commercial projects across Canada. It also provides Canada wide radon gas testing through Accustar Canada.

A Healthy Home is a Happy Home. High concentrations of radon gas in the home is the leading cause of lung cancer after smoking; and 10x more dangerous for children. The good news: radon gas in the home can be reliably controlled so that it never gets to hazardous levels.

Learn more about the merger, Canada Radon, and how to keep your home safe by visiting out website: